A 350 acre property located in Bruce just 20 minutes north of Seaside in Walton County, Florida. We offer organically grown fruits and vegetables to our friends along the Emerald Coast.
Farm-to-table: Or (farm-to-fork) refers to the stages of the production of food: harvesting, storage, processing, packaging, sales, and consumption. It also refers to a movement concerned with producing food locally and delivering that food to local consumers, and is promoted by members of the agriculture, food service, and restaurant communities. We feel that it goes hand in hand with organic farming initiatives, sustainable agriculture, and community-supported agriculture.

Our specialty! Unfortunately, heirloom tomatoes have been replaced in the store by hybrid tomatoes because the hybrids (those common red ones sold everywhere) are bred to have a tougher skin and survive picking, packing and shipping conditions - with no regard to taste. Heirlooms are quite the opposite, with focus on taste over toughness so they come in a large variety of sizes, shapes and many different colors such as green, pink, yellow, black, white, orange, dark purple and stripes.

Choose eggplants that are firm and heavy for their size. Their skin should be smooth and shiny, the cap green, and their color, whether it be purple, white or green, should be vivid. They should be free of discoloration, scars, and bruises, which usually indicate that the flesh beneath has become damaged and possibly decayed.

Winter strawberries in Florida are grown more slowly so that the berries have more time to develop a sweeter taste. The blossoms in summer strawberries grow and age so quickly that they sometimes can have a sour or flavorless taste even though they have nice color.

Watermelon are actually vegetables, and close to the squash family. Watermelon is a great source of potassium and iron. The entire melon is edible, flesh, rind, and seeds.

An increasing number of animal studies now show that these starch-related components in winter squash have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, as well as anti-diabetic and insulin-regulating properties. Our favorite way to prepare winter squash is to steam it as it takes such a short period of time. It's best to steam 1-inch cubes of squash.

There are literally hundreds of different tomato varieties. We usually choose our favorite varieties by some combination of flavor, texture, and appearance. But a recent study has shown that we may also want to include antioxidant capacity as a factor when we are choosing among tomato varieties. This tomato weighed over two pounds when harvested!

Check out our Find Us page to see which restaurants we partner with along 30A, and get the freshest local pick daily! You will not be disappointed.

Yellow squash is either "straightneck" or "crookneck." These two squash types have the same taste and color; however, crookneck squash bows at the neck, lending it a swan-like gracefulness while still on the vine. Summer squash is best steamed, stir-fried or grilled until it's cooked through but not too soft. Don't peel summer squash; the skin has a high concentration of essential nutrients.

Did you know that a zucchini has more potassium than a banana, and that the word zucchini comes from ‘zucca’ the Italian word for squash. When you purchase a zucc biggest is NOT best. The most flavorful zucchinis are small- to medium-sized.

Ted Foret, Owner
Ted grew up near Huntsville, AL on a family farm. As kids they each had between 2-3 acres of their own to tend to, plus chickens and rabbits to care for. Ted graduated from Auburn with a finance degree and for the last 23 years has successfully run New View Windows and Doors of Santa Rosa Beach, FL. As in business Ted learned to adapt to lots of different farming conditions, and rather than succumb to past traditions of chemical use Ted has experimented with the most natural ways possible to grow the finest quality produce.
He tested the waters with over 30 varieties of tomato, peppers, squash, and cucumbers, in order to source local restaurants and farmers markets with his locally grown produce. Ted has surrounded himself with many professionals with farming experience, and has two furry full time farm assistants, Abigail and Buddy.

Abigail and Buddy, Co-Owners
Abigail is a mixed breed rescue who loves nothing more than to watch the sun set over the farm and guard the grounds from Brown Billed Ibis. Her best friend is Buddy, a Yellow Lab. Buddy oversees farm production and ensures the other farmers are working hard and is the official greeter on the farm.